Our story
How it all began
On a sunny day of July 14th back in 2019, Alexandre, the founder of Fizza, was driving across Bretagne in France. It was way past noon and his family and he were starving. But since it was the French national day, not a single restaurant was open. However, Google maps led them to pizza place near by that was supposed to be open 24/7. Eagerly they followed the directions and were astonished to end up to a parking place with a lonely looking pizza machine at the edge. They were very hungry, so they decided to give it a go! It was all new to them so they were curiously waiting for the pizza to pop out from the machine. After 3 minutes, the pizza box smoothly slipped out and they got to taste the pizza: it was delicious! That’s how the Fizza brand got born. First machine was installed in Finland back in 01/2020, then a second, and a third, aso… In the meantime, in Czech Republic, end of 2020, Erwann got to know as well the same machine by reading a newspaper’s report and fell in love with it. Why would this not work on czech’s soil too? After couple of months of thoughts and meeting Alexandre in Helsinki, we realized we both had a lot in common (starting by our origins : La Bretagne!) and decided that it was time for Fizza to start as well operating in Czech Republic!

We are happy that we managed to launch the first pizza machine in the Czech Republic in the picturesque and historically valued town of Písek.